"The Only Optimization Framework I Trust" - Ruben Torres Bonet

How to Optimize Any Unity Project Within Days... Not Months

Based on Numbers... Not on Guesses

Dear Game Developer,

What is your goal?

Do you want to craft a game that sells?


Would you rather waste 2+ years in a game that's left to rotten in the trash?

As harsh as it may seem, the second option is the most common for most game developers.

And here's one of the reasons why your game fails: low game performance.

There are many games out there that could rise to the top...

But don't because players can't get to enjoy it.

I mean, would you enjoy a game at 10 FPS?

Have a look at Batman Arkham City.

The player relates:

"PSA: Do not buy this game, The performance issues make the game near unplayable. It's sad to have to say this. I will continue to play the game for review, but for everyone else wait for a patch or get a refund. :( "

If you release this game at $19.99, you lose thousands of dollars due to refunds... not even counting the refund fees.

You can work in your game for years (for free)... just to release a game that you actually have to pay for.

Remember: refunds cost YOU money.

Not to talk about reputation.

I could show you 100+ reviews punishing the publisher and developers. Reviews with thousands of upvotes that only destroy the reputation of game developers.

Yes, I have a big database with those, including DayZ, GTA V, Rust, 7 Days to Die, Mordhau, Kingdom Come... they all have several thousand objective reviews warning players not to buy your game.

But you get the point already: performance is the single thing you cannot afford to get wrong... or everything else fails:

  • Your game crashed in the middle of their match? Your players are gone.
  • Your game doesn't deliver consistent 60 FPS? Your players are gone.
  • Your game looks bad because of the quality loss it suffered to perform well? Your players are gone.

You can and should optimize your game.

But there's a caveat.

You need to work on performance starting TODAY.

As Epic Games, creator of Unreal Engine, puts it: "optimization cannot be the final step in a project".

Epic continues: "The best optimizations you can make often begin with the work you do at the very beginning of your project. The earlier you start doing performance optimization, the better".

You see, the complexity of fixing performance issues grows exponentially over time. You have to rework more assets, more complex code and legacy systems.

It's just like taxes. If you don't pay them right away, you'll pay them later with a juicy added fee. 

 “It Only Takes a Few Clicks to Create a Problem
That Will Take You Months to Fix ”

Rubén (The Gamedev Guru)

So how do you optimize your game?

After many years of optimizing all sort of games — from small games to AAA titles — I have learned a big deal on optimization.


Looking into retrospective, often I felt like I had no clarity over my next steps towards reaching high frame-rates.

I mean, I was stuck at low frame-rates.

And I did optimizations.

Only that these optimizations were merely baby steps.

In other words, I was missing a step-by-step framework that would give me the clarity and focus that I needed to reach my target frame-rate... within the deadline.

And that's the power a process can bring to your table. Knowing at every moment...

  • Your performance status
  • Your next optimization step
  • How to make that optimization boost happen

That's why, over the years, I developed a strategic optimization framework called...

The P3 Optimization Framework 

By learning the P3 Optimization Framework, you will learn the optimization process that will guarantee you the results you want.

No more getting lost in blind optimization work that barely moves you closer to your target FPS.

You will know exactly what to do, when and how so you release a game that performs up to expectations.

You won't make the same mistakes that are causing so many game developers to throw away years of their work.

In fact, this P3 Optimization Framework will give you an unfair advantage at developing and selling high-performing games.

Can you imagine the freedom you will experience once you learn exactly what to do at each step of the game performance journey?

The P3 Optimization Framework is all about following a simple 3-step process:

#1: Define Your Performance Goals in terms of FPS, loading times, storage requirements, target devices and other metrics that your players demand

#2: Engage in the P3 Optimization Loop

  • Profile and gather the intel you need so you can...
  • Plan your optimization strategy that will let you...
  • Perform the Optimizations that will move you towards high-performing games.

#3: Retrospective and thinking time, where you will make sure you and your team don't make the same mistakes in future projects.

It's that simple.

The secret lies on the strategic P3 heuristics that will identify the best course of action for you.

Profiling is easy. And applying optimization techniques isn't that hard either.

The tricky part is knowing the right process.

But that I have already done for you :-)

You will learn everything I have to teach in the P3 Optimization Framework.

Your P3 Optimization Framework Agenda






You will learn the P3 Optimization Framework in just 7 + 3 modules. Yep, 3 of them are bonuses and support material.

7 modules to learn the strategic optimization framework that will support you for decades to come.

The strategic process to transform the way you make games in this ultra-competitive industry where players don't have the time to pay attention to slow games.

And to make this even sweeter, I decided to throw in a few bonuses.

Bonus #1: Your Free Optimization Consulting Call (Value: €300)

Everybody gets stuck at times.

That's why I give you a FREE optimization call so you can solve your most burning game performance questions.

Let's work together and feel the relief that comes by having someone help you solve these frustrating problems. No more obstacles to releasing a game people will love buying.

Get this bonus before I run out of slots and I take it out.

I want you to feel safe about joining this career-boosting program, so I made this a zero-risk opportunity for you.

By applying this program, you either get a significant performance boost in your game within 60 full days or you get your money back.

Join this career-changing program and level up your career. Better than releasing a game that makes you quit game development.

The P3 Optimization Framework


(+VAT if applicable)

(Or release games that you end up paying for)

Target FPS Guarantee

I provide you the finest game optimization strategies that you won't find elsewhere. You either substantially improve your game's frame-rate or you get all your money back.

No small letter or hidden terms... No risks, no hassles.

It's that simple.

What People Are Saying About The Gamedev Guru

CEO at GameDevHQ

The knowledge and passion Ruben has for optimization is to be admired.

I highly recommend his course

CEO at Wetzold Studios

It's thanks to Ruben and his really well structured blogs that I was able to first of all understand these and then also to transform my whole project to Addressables in record time.

He looks at so many angles and even has been available to personally help with additional questions I had. I can only applaud his passion and willingness to share.

(VFX) 3D Character Animator

I am very happy that Ruben offers this 1:1 coaching at all, because I can read through tons of articles and lists of possible improvements, and still not be able to apply the different steps to my very own project.

His 1:1 coaching was definitely not only a time- and money-saver for this project, but he also has great skills to boil down complex information into chunks that are easy to understand and apply.

Lead Game Developer at Re-Logic

Allow me to begin by saying I am a happy customer, it was a lovely course on Addressables!

After requesting additional content on integrating Mirror Networking with Addressables, Ruben went as far as to add a lesson about it.

Ruben: if you ever make another course, please do hit me up with an e-mail!

Unity Developer at D.I.C

I appreciate all the content you write. It really helped me grasp the true power of the addressables package.

I used to struggle a lot with memory consumption, crashes, high cpu usage etc.. and your content helped me overcome a lot of obstacles.

I signed up to the course you've created and finished several chapters already and am very excited to keep reading

CTO at Dark Tonic Games

Ruben is deeply knowledgeable about every aspect of Unity development.

He figured out the issue I had been struggling within minutes.

His expertise is worth any price.

Your Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't like your Spanish accent?

That's no problem.

You have at all times in-screen text. And also you can follow the written format instead, which includes all the relevant media to the lesson.

I'm already at 120 FPS. Is this useful for me?

Oh yes!

  1. 60 FPS is only half-way through! Many players demand up to 240 FPS nowadays.
  2. Improving performance will skyrocket battery life and reduce the heat generation we all hate in summer (especially in VR).
  3. These performance optimization techniques will be a HUGE plus for your future projects and job interviews
  4. You'll be part of a growing gamedev community focused on making high-performing games happen
What tools will I use?
  • Unity 2020+
  • RenderDoc
  • Mesh Baker Free
  • Simplygon 8.X

As you can see, no need to buy anything.

What if I get stuck?

If for some reason you can't get forward in any lesson or you have any question, I'll help out.

Just write your question in the lesson.

I'll answer :-)

I have another question


Send me an email at ruben@thegamedev.guru and I'll answer straight away.

How long do I need to learn the framework?

Good news: that depends entirely on you.

In average, you will get the most of your gains within a couple of days.

VReality Labs

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The content you find here is based on my own opinions. Use this information at your own risk.

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